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Ifyouwish Informations de profil

Ifyouwish Central FL 2019
Âge 45 De Tampa, Florida - En ligne - Il y a plus de 2 semaines
Femme Cherchant Homme

Informations de base

Je sais parler  
Je me décrirais comme  
I'm a risk taker with a strong independent character willing to give all to the right person. I have (recently) been called helpful but headstrong, sensitive and sensual, intelligent and open minded, beautiful but a bit willful. I'm an amazing cook and great sales person but a terrible admin. So sitting me at a desk and asking me to organize it is true punishment to me.

My service and obedience is given in equal levels to the amount of honesty and security provided by anyone that calls himself my Master. Words are worthless to me if your promises are broken and your actions do not match your polite words.

The "give" and the "take" have to be exchanged in equal measures or I will "give" you the goodbye wave and "take" all my lovely leather outfits and toys home.

Apparence & situation

Ma silhouette est  
Avec des formes
Ma taille est  
5' 5 (1.65 m)
Mes yeux sont  
Mon origine ethnique est  
Ma situation maritale est  
J'ai des enfants  
Je veux des enfants  
Ce que j'ai de mieux  
Art Corporel  
Même pas envisageable
Mes cheveux sont  
J'en ai 1 ou plus  
Prêt(e) à vivre ailleurs  


Mon niveau d'éducation est  
Diplôme d'études supérieures
Ma situation professionnelle actuelle est  
Mon domaine de compétence est  
Mon titre de fonction est  
Je vis  
Seul/e, Avec des animaux
Chez moi  
Le silence règne
Je fume  
Je bois de l'alcool  
Oui - socialement


Au lycée, j'étais un/e  
Chouchou du prof
Socialement, je suis plutôt  
Observateur, Sympa, Séducteur, Ouvert
Mes passions et loisirs sont  
Dîner , Faire de l'exercice, Lecture, Art & artisanat, Sports, Apprendre, Musique, Films, Fêtes, Danse, Théâtre, Voyages, Cuisine, Jardinage, Voitures, Pêche / Chasse, Camper
Un bon moment pour moi c'est  
Sortir avec des amis, Faire de nouvelles expériences, Regarder un bon film, Sorties en boîte / tour des bars, Aller au casino, Se déguiser, Aller à un concert, Aller au musée
Un premier rendez-vous idéal, ce serait  
A day at Universal riding well you know.....rides of all kinds
J'ai toujours voulu essayer  
Things you will have to ask me in person
Mes amis me décrivent comme  
Sympa, Trublion, La personne qu'ils aimeraient être, Un amour

Points de vue sur la vie

Ma religion c'est  
Je vais à la messe  
Pendant les vacances
Mon but dans la vie c'est  
Sell a ton of homes (you know anyone that wants to move lol)so I can buy a beautiful one of my own on the water. Or help someone redecorate one room in a home they want to share. I find nothing better than the smell of salt water & leather all in one place.

I want to travel to make up for all the lost opportunities to see the world in 2020. I was on a mission to collect something unique from every country I visited once I moved to Belgium 2/2020. Guess I should have been more specific since I did get a unique item from Belgium, France and the Netherlands during the lockdowns but it was only different colored masks...not exactly the items I was thinking about.

I did have a forbidden adventure driving to Paris when it was a Red zone but had no corona issues and it was the best time I've ever had there. The entire city was empty, no waiting for a table and servers were nice since they didn't have the usually hordes of tourists to pick on.

I still want to explore new places and find new levels of joy with an experienced and intelligent Master/leader but I'm good with finding new places in the US or outside the EU this time. There is a customs agent in Amsterdam that is on my SHIT LIST.

I am searching for a long term partner but I maintain very high standards so there is no rush from my side to jump into something without being friends first. That doesn't mean just friends...I want the benefits too.
Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt  
Intelligent, Sarcastique


A la télévision, je regarde  
Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours  
Action, Science-fiction, Comédies, Drames, Famille, Animation, Horreur, Thrillers
Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est  
Rock, Electro, Pop, Classique, New age, Musique ambientale, Dance, Reggae
Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est  
Monde des affaires, Fantaisie, Fictions, Humour, Programmes instructifs, Mystères, Science-fiction, Erotique, Surnaturel
Mon idée du fun  
Tomorrow Land concerts, being outdoors, flying, fishing, biking, riding roller coasters, eating out at NICE restaurants, petting puppies, kicking sand on snowbirds sunbathing on the beach (just kidding) hikes in the woods-finding a spot to be alone, winning sales contests and finding unique ways to get into trouble. Last year I found a way to get kicked out of a mall in Belgium for not wearing the "right kind" of mask and being ban from the entire EU for 2 years...if you think you are a that!

Recherchant un/e

Que trouvez-vous attirant?  
Bon sens, Séduction, Pouvoir, Audace, Empathie, Talents, Humour, Beauté, Délicatesse, Intelligence
Que recherchez-vous?  
Intelligent, educated CEO types that manage stress with a calm collected style. Someone that understand the psychology of power balanced with humor. A party guy that knows when to put down the beer glass and say good night to his guy friends to spend some quality time at home tying up a few loose ends. I appreciate a planner in and out of the bedroom, but know many of the best moments are spontaneous adventures. And even though I like strong hands, they have to balance out strength with kindness and be attached to a shapely body.

I know....we call combos like in my business unicorns...but if you don't ask you don't get what you want. And what a trip it is to ride a unicorn!
Quel type de relation recherchez-vous?  
Vrai‧e ami‧e, Rendez-vous, Relation intime, Engagement, Domination, Bondage